mycon IT - when knowledge makes the difference



Telenor 2001-2007


SFM (*)  - Telenor's network service delivery platform.


This project, which was delivered before the formation of Mycon IT, gave me more in depth knowledge and understanding of network equipment systems and technologies in the telecom space.


In late 2001 we began the construction of a system to deliver network services to Telenor's (then it was Utfors) customers. The system helped the "Service Activation", SA Group to deliver VPN connections. Before SFM was introduced the network routers were configured "by hand". This was a very time consuming process with wide range of commands to enter and thus very error prone.


With the introduction of SFM, an automated configuration process was implemented and the risk of errors decreased significantly as well as the time for a router configuration.  


After this first step in the automation of the delivery process the definition of the next step started. We would also use SFM for the switched network. Also this was done "by hand" by the technicians. Now SFM was enhanced to be able to configure the switches in the network and the risk of error was further reduced and the configuration time also very much reduced. The time for delivery of a VPN connection went down to minutes instead of more than 1 hour before the introduction of SFM.


The next step in the development of the system was to expand SFM to provide DSL connections to end customers. SFM was communicating with the configuration system (mediation device) of the DSLAM equipment and enabled ADSL communication to customers.  


The final step in the development of SFM was the construction of a system to propose a path through the network for a VPN connection. The system had knowledge of the topology and could suggest to users the best route choices. The system also had knowledge of resources in the network and therefore users did not have to check the availability of resources in a proposed path through the network.  


The system was now very easy to use - Service Activation technician entered an entry-point port into which the customer would be connected and a few parameters (e.g. speed, type of VPN, SLA level ) and then SFM configured the entire path through the network which could consist of a router and several switches and possibly also a dslam. The time to activate a network service had gone down to minutes and the error rate to a minimum. 


In mid 2007, my assignment at Telenor ended and I left Telenor's development group (to be returning 2011) 




(*) SFM, Service Fulfilment Manager, is a module in Oracle eBusiness Suite. It is a framework for building network service delivery processes.



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Telenor 2001-2007

Telenor 2011



Ericsson 2021

Ace Interactive