mycon IT - when knowledge makes the difference
At Swedbank I have been part of a small group that have built an integration between the
financial modules in Oracle eBusiness Suite (eBS) and Microsoft Excel.
This has been built on the Web ADI Oracle platform (ADI = Application Desktop Integration)
The requirements behind the project was that correction transactions needed were difficult to
enter into the financial system and there was a need to simplify entry of transactions by using Excel forms and load data from Excel into Oracle eBS finacial modules.
WebADI is a general integration product from Oracle where Excel sheets are created using data derived from format and data description of the data to be loaded into the Oracle eBusiness Suite financial modules.
The Excel worksheet is created automatically together with macros that are activated when uploading data to eBS.
Among other things, a developed Java application layer is activated to ensure that uploaded data is correct.
If no errors are detected the data is loaded into the Oracle database and a program in eBS is called to transfer loaded data onward into Oracle financial modules.
At Swedbank there is also an Oracle Workflow process that drives the whole data upload.
An uploaded journal needs approval before the final upload into eBS finacial modules. If the journal is not approved the workflow process cancels the
the upload.
The last part of the project was the construction of new Excel journal types that bypasses parts of the Java validation layer.
This was to be able to upload data to correct erroneous transactions already in the system but where the correction records themselves
would not pass the validation.
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